Feeling Poderosa!


At the heart of Angel Beauty lies a dynamic licensed esthetician driven by a deep-seated passion for empowering women to embrace confidence in their skin. With a journey spanning back to 2020, I've diligently cultivated my expertise, specializing in the transformative realms of waxing and spray tanning.

Angel Beauty emerged from a profound desire to bridge the gaps within the beauty community, offering not just services but genuine connections and compassion. It's a sanctuary where individuals seeking self-improvement find not only impeccable care but also unwavering support on their journey to personal enhancement.

Custom Spray Tans

100% 5-Star Rating

Natural Solutions

What our clients say

My spray tan looked amazing!! And my experience exceeded my expectations, Angie made me feel comfortable and offered beverages/ really cute stickers 🙂 I highly recommend Angelbeautysd, the feeling of stepping out with that sun-kissed glow is just unbeatable.

03.03.2024 · Rachael

I’m 7 months pregnant and I was completely comfortable! She did great!

11.29.2023 · Rachael Bongalos

It was my first time getting a Brazilian wax and my experience was amazing. Very professional & clean set up. Made me feel comfortable through the whole process. Truly recommend. Will be back for my next session!

08.07.2023 · Francesca

Angel beauty is a sweetheart. She has such a kind heart and excellent level of attentiveness.

She listens and cares for her client in an effort to provide a pleasurable state of comfort level, which makes the experience wholesome.

She is so good at replying back at a timely manner.

She is knowledgeable of product recommendations and will answer your question for before and after care.

Would recommend her 10/10

04.13.2023 · Gabriela O.

My services with Angie were AMAZING! She’s a sweetheart and made me feel so welcome and comfortable. I will definitely be returning and recommending her to everyone.

01.28.2023 · CeCe

Ready to glow?

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